Make a difference in Northridge! Serve on the Board of Directors for the Northridge South Neighborhood Council (NSNC)
Candidate Filing Deadline: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 5:00 pm
Here is information on how to apply:
Any Stakeholder may run for a seat on the NSNC Board of Directors. A Stakeholder is any individual who lives, owns property, works, attends school or engages in voluntary service with community and/or non-profit organizations within the geographic area of the NSNC, and also to those who declare a stake in the neighborhood and affirm a factual basis therefore.
Candidate Qualifications: The Board consists of fifteen (15) Stakeholders in six (6) Categories. Candidates may run for only one seat in one category and must meet the qualifications listed:
- Residential Stakeholder Board Members (6 seats) – Open to Stakeholders 18 years of age or older whose primary place of residence is located within the NSNC boundaries.
- Business Stakeholder Board Members (2 seats) – Open to Stakeholders 18 years of age or older who work or own a business or business property within the NSNC boundaries.
- Organizational Stakeholder Board Members (2 seats) – Open to Stakeholders 18 years of age or older who participate in a religious institution, educational institution, community organization, non-profit organization, neighborhood association, school/parent group, faith based group, senior group, youth group, arts association, service organization, boys or girls club, cultural group, or environmental group within the NSNC boundaries.
- Senior Stakeholder Board Member (1 seat) – Open to Stakeholders 65 years of age or older.
- Youth Stakeholder Board Member (1 seat) – Open to Stakeholders between the ages of 16 and 25.
- At-Large Stakeholder Board Members (3 seats) – Open to Stakeholders at least 18 years of age.
Selection Process:
Board members will be selected by a show of hands vote of Stakeholders present at a public Town Hall Selection Meeting on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 beginning at 7:00 pm.
All candidates must complete and submit the following by 5:00 p.m. on May 2, 2016: Application Form, Candidate Statement Form and Affirmation of Eligibility Form. All election forms are public records. Application Packets are available at the North Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce, 9401 Reseda Blvd. #100, Northridge, CA 91324 and online at
Candidate applications will be verified by a Neutral Third Party (NTP) who will conduct the Town Hall.
At the Town Hall, each qualified candidate will be permitted to present a brief written or oral statement and respond to questions from the floor. All candidates will be given an equal amount of time for statements and questions. Candidates need not be present at the Town Hall so long as all completed election materials have been received and verified.
At the conclusion of all statements and questions, the NTP will take the vote by public show of hands for each candidate. Each Stakeholder qualified to vote, including the candidates, may vote for up to the number of seats available in each Category for a total of fifteen (15) votes. The candidates with the highest number of votes in each Category will be deemed selected to the Board of Directors and will take office immediately.
The NTP has the discretion to enact any additional procedures necessary to conduct the selection process, so long as they do not conflict with the NSNC Bylaws or any other law.
For questions and/or to obtain a Candidate Application Packet
Click here to download the packet.
Northridge South Neighborhood Council
c/o North Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce
9401 Reseda Blvd. #100
Northridge, CA 91324
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
7:00 pm
Northridge Middle School Library
17960 Chase St, Northridge, CA 91325